A clinical analysis of 20 cases of twin pregnancy with one fetal intrauterine death 双胎妊娠一胎宫内死亡20例临床分析
The last days of intrauterine Yu-Shu Ogawa escaped certain death! 最后天宫内玉漱香消玉殒小川逃出!
Recent studies have shown that the placentotoxicity of dioxin is main cause of intrauterine fetal death, which is very important to dedicate fetal death in the utero. 近几年研究发现二恶英的胎盘毒性是其导致宫内死亡的重要原因,对阐明环境毒物导致的宫内死亡机制及治疗有重要意义。
Objective: To explore the risk factors and nursing strategy during induction of labor after intrauterine fetal death of early onset of severe preeclampsia patients. 前言:目的:探讨早发型重度子痫前期患者胎死宫内后,在实施腔内引产过程中的危险因素及护理对策。
Results The pruritus, fetal distress, and intrauterine death appeared in the animal of treated group, which were similar with the symptoms of pregnancy women in ICP. 结果胆酸灌注后实验组母羊有明显的瘙痒症状,并出现宫内窘迫及胎儿死亡,得到与ICP孕妇相似的结果。
Objective: To study the ultrastructural changes in placenta of Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy ( ICP) and to investigate the reasons of intrauterine growth retardation and intrauterine fetal death in ICP. 目的:研究妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症(ICP)胎盘超微结构改变,探讨ICP时胎儿宫内生长不良及死亡原因。
Results: By inhibiting the synthesis of NO hypertension, albuminuria and some other PIH-related symptoms occurred in the pregnant rats, and the rats of intrauterine growth retardation ( IUGR) and fetal death in the uterus increased obviously. 通过抑制一氧化氮(NO)合成,可使孕鼠出现高血压、蛋白尿等PIH相关症状,胎儿发育不良或胎死宫内发生率明显增加。
Congenital malformation was the main reason to the intrauterine fetal death. 胎儿畸型是胎死宫内的重要原因。
Results: The incidence of twin pregnancy with single intrauterine fetal death was 3.8% of all twin pregnancy. The most common causes were umbilical cord abnormality, fetal deformity and placental abruption etc. 结果:晚期妊娠双胎之一宫内死亡的发生率为3.8%,常见原因为脐带异常、胎儿畸形、胎盘早剥等。
The prognosis of the disease is good for pregnant women, however, it can induce premature labor, fetal intrauterine distress, intrauterine fetal death and so on, so it increases the perinatal morbidity and mortality. 对孕妇预后良好,但易致早产、胎儿宫内窘迫、胎死宫内等,使围产儿发病率和病死率增高。
By reason of placenta senility, fetal distresses even intrauterine death are frequently encountered in postdate pregnancies. 过期妊娠由于胎盘“老化”,功能不全,易引起胎儿宫内窘迫,甚至死亡。
Effect of Late Intrauterine Death on the Maternal Mental State 妊娠晚期胎死宫内对孕妇心理状态的影响
Termination of pregnancy must be considered when one of twins is found intrauterine death after 34 gestation weeks. 对孕34周以后发现的双胎之一胎儿宫内死亡者应考虑终止妊娠。
The serum CD activity in patients of placenta premature separation, preeclampsia and intrauterine fetal death was distinctly higher than that in normal pregnancies ( P < 0.001). 子痫前期,胎盘早剥与宫内死胎患者血清CD活性显著高于正常孕妇,均P<0.01。
Objective The influence of the late intrauterine death on the mental state of pregnant women was examined to provide information for clinical management. 目的探讨妊娠晚期胎死宫内对孕妇心理状态的影响,为制定临床护理措施提供依据。
Clinical Analysis of 19 Intrauterine Death of One of Twins 双胎之一胎儿宫内死亡原因及处理19例临床分析
The abnormal group detected in 31 cases with therapeutic abortion in 29 cases, pathological examination was done in 11 cases and showed degeneration of necrosis of the chorionic or necrosis tissues, induced deliveries were done in 2 other cases due to intrauterine death of the fetuses. 异常卵黄囊组31例中治疗性流产29例,其中11例胚胎组织病理检查显示绒毛退变或坏死。2例继续妊娠至中期因胎死宫内而引产。
In human, Gram-negative bacterial infections are recognized as the cause of preterm delivery and intrauterine fetal death ( IUFD). 革兰氏阴性菌感染是导致孕妇早产和胎儿宫内死亡(intrauterinefetaldeath,IUFD)的重要原因之一。
Since a fetus could occur malformations or defects in several tissues and organs, 93 cases of malformations were found in different organ and tissue, they caused 32 cases intrauterine fetal death. 由于在一个胎儿可以发生多组织器官的畸形或缺陷,共发现了93个器官或组织发育畸形,致宫内死胎共32例。
ICP poses little risk on the mother but the fetus has significantly increased risks of perinatal morbidity and mortality including preterm delivery, fetal distress and even sudden intrauterine death. 其对孕妇影响不大,主要危及胎儿,表现为早产、胎儿宫内窘迫、突发胎儿宫内死亡等,使围产儿发病率和死亡率明显增加。
The unique twin pregnancy complications ( such as Twin pregnancy with intrauterine death of one twin, discordant twins) can lead to perinatal bad outcome increase. 双胎妊娠的特有并发症(如双胎之一胎宫内死亡、不一致双胎)可导致围生儿不良结局增加。